Saturday, June 12, 2021


Today, I ventured back to a movie theater with eager anticipation.  I wan not disappointed.  "In The Heights" arrived on screen full of charm, wonder and downright thrilling cinematic glory!  Freely adapted under the direction of John M. Chu from the Tony winning Broadway show, the movie "opens up" into the Latino world of New York City's Washington Heights with all the gusto I had hoped for.  With a cast of mostly unknown Latino actors (Jimmy Smits and Marc Anthony being the exceptions) the standout is Anthony Ramos in the lead role, played on stage by the author Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Mr. Miranda (sporting a beard) does appear in the film as a vendor selling summertime ice's in the sweltering heat.  The plot is of no importance here but it concerns lovers, tears, the lottery, a fictional black-out, an unexpected death and dancing.  And what dancing it is!  The choreography by Christopher Scott is refreshingly exuberant and quite surprising at times (No spoiler here, but some of it will blow you away)  While some may find it hard to follow (owing to the rapidity of some lyrics) it is still a joyful film to behold, full of life and a little fantasy here and there.  And I will be so bold as to say an Oscar nomination is in its future as Best Picture. And one that is well deserved.  To borrow a quote........."This is the stuff that dreams are made of."  Una pelicula brillante!

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