Saturday, November 9, 2019


PLAYING WITH FIRE: In this light-hearted family flick, John Cena plays Jake (a.k.a "Supe") the head of a team of Smoke Jumper Firefighters that include Keegan-Michael Key (Mark) and John Leguizamo (Roderigo).  When the team rescues a trio of children from their burning cabin with no parents in sight, they soon become baby-sitters for the clan and very quickly learn that children can be like fires--wild and unpredictable.  What starts out as quirky comedy (and there are some lovely laughs), by films end is quite touching and will bring a tear to your eye.  Key and Leguizamo are perfect foils for each other with Leguizamo always "quoting" sayings and Key always rolling his eyes and explaining "not even close."  (Example:  Leguizamo - "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.  Barbra Bush")  All in all, it's just plain fun.  And sometimes that's all you need in a film.  

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