Saturday, October 26, 2019


THE CURRENT WAR: While some may call it a historical picture, this film portraying the "fued/war" between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse over who would bring electricity to America is still engrossing with Edison touting Direct current and Westinghouse pushing for Alternating Current.  The marvelous Benedict Cumberbatch as Edison and the equally adroit Michael Shannon as Westinghouse along with Nicholas Hoult as Nickola Tesla give a master class in acting. These three guys (speaking of electricity) ignite the screen in this display of cutthroat competition.  Also on board is Tom Holland (the latest Spiderman) playing Edison' secretary and helper.   In this battle of wits the ultimate prize is who will bring electricity to the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.  But there is also the battle over the Electric chair!   A fascinating look as a bygone era and two dynamic gentlemen.

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