Saturday, August 10, 2019


THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN:   Having loved this book by Garth Stein, I eagerly attended the movie which turned out to be lovely film.   The book was written in the voice of a golden retriever named Enzo and in the film that voice comes to life thanks to the wonderful "voice" acting of Kevin Costner.  Milo Vintimiglia portrays Enzo's owner, Denny, a Formula One race car driver and Amanda Seyfried is Eve, his love interest.  How Enzo reacts to the couples romance, eventual child and the triumphs and heartaches along the way is what makes this movie so charming.  I won't go into the plot so as not to spoil it for you, but I will tell you, bring Kleenex.   The ending is one of the best you'll ever see in a film this year. It will make your heart soar.

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