Wednesday, April 17, 2019


PENGUINS:  A documentary from the folks at Disneynature, this enchanting film follows the coming-of-age story of an Adelie penguin named Steve as he and a million or so fellow males during the icy Antartic spring try to build a suitable nest, find a life partner and start a family.  And once that happens (we get to see the chicks hatching in close up) it is still not easy going with predators such as killer whales and Leopard seals interrupting the goings on.  The photography is remarkable in this film (during the closing credits, you get a peek at the workings of how it was done).  It is stark, breathtakingly beautiful (particularly some underwater footage) and a real wonder to behold.  If your love animals and/or documentaries of this type, you're in for a real treat!  And the narration by Ed Helms in which he voices the thoughts of Steve at times is funny, tender and perfect.

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