Saturday, January 19, 2019


GLASS:  This latest film from M. Night Shyamalan is the third in a trilogy of films (the first two I did not see, so I may have been at a disadvantage going in.)  But, it holds up on its own merits and is engulfing. It's all about Super Heroes (at least in their own minds or are they real?)  The movie belongs to James McAvoy who plays a total of 20 different characters (can you say split personality?) and is absolutely magnificent in the part(S).  Co-starring are Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson who have there own sets of problems. (no spoilers here)  Sarah Paulson plays a doctor who seems to be in charge (or is she?).  While the film is a trifle hard to follow, it holds your interest, big time.  But I wish I'd seen the first two ("Unbreakable" and "Split") And I must say I admire Mr. Shylamalan (who does a cameo himself) for keeping the gore to a minimum (it's rated PG-13) and still supplies the needed thrill and chills.

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